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We can attend to a variety of care requirements. The type of services can range from:

With EEOICP, these benefits do not expire and are ongoing. With In-Home Skilled and Non-Skilled care, EEOICP claimants have the choice of how many hours a week all the way up to 24/7, giving them the choice if they want Skilled Facility or 1:1, RN/LVN care in their home. Furthermore, claimants have the choice of which healthcare provider they want to choose.

senior man taking support of bars while walking in fitness studio Hallway Healthcare specializes in obtaining the required authorization for the claimant and connecting them a network of expert providers. This ensures the claimant receives these services at no charge to them while having the choice of their Provider. We have claimants that have nursing care that ranges from 4 hours a week up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. EEOICP claimants are not limited to days or weeks.

We have the knowledge of the program and can answer questions regarding your care and benefits, as well as coordinating with your physicians reducing the burden on yourself or loved ones. Hallway Healthcare provides professional and excellent care by giving the choice to EEOICP claimants an abundance of service and providers covered under their EEOICP benefits and more.

For further discussion, we encourage you to Set an Appointment now. You may also contact us at 925-452-8745 for more details.

Our Mission Statement

Improving the way of life for our patients in their safe haven by providing trained, responsive, compassionate nurses who spark strength, energy, and well-being. [ About Us ]